Video: Future of tariff innovation

Tom Bromwich 12 Apr 2024
Written by Tom Bromwich
Energy Market Strategy and Commercial

There’s more insight on the future of tariff innovation in this video update from Tom Bromwich - Director and Strategy lead at BFY.

We’re seeing more switching activity in the energy market, driven by April’s price cap and the market stabilisation charge cessation. And as suppliers look to attract and retain customers with innovative tariffs, making the right choice is increasingly complex.

But the changing energy landscape is creating opportunities for clarity – especially as Market-Wide Half Hourly Settlements approach – so how can suppliers leverage this to enable smarter, more cost-effective customer decisions.

You can read more in this topic here.

If you'd like to know more about supporting customers with tariff decisions, contact Tom Bromwich

Tom Bromwich


Tom leads client engagements with a particular focus on commercial strategy, pricing, customer acquisition and retention.

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