The rising price of wholesale gas is impacting consumers across the UK, and new research from BFY suggests that things are only going to get worse. With the price cap for the Q4-22 set to outturn at £3,600 and the Q1-23 at over £4,700, the average bill for January alone is likely to reach £600 – a price that too many consumers will simply not be able to afford.

What can energy suppliers do to support customers in these challenging times?
Each customer payment type - Direct Debit, Payment on Receipt of Bill, and Pay As You Go - each faces a common, but also discretely different set of problems.
Customer frustrations are rising, and suppliers need to be ready to respond - using high trained agents, access to the latest data, strong analytical capability, and operational agility.
To learn more, download our white paper here.
Ian Barker
Managing Partner
Ian shapes the BFY vision and inspires our team to bring it to life, while remaining central to complex client engagements in Strategy, Commercial, and Operations.
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