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Price Cap falls again to £1,568 - and more changes are coming

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Energy Market Strategy and Commercial

Suppliers can realise potential of dynamic tariffs with customer clarity

Is your understanding of customer segments deep enough to realise the true impact of dynamic pricing, and innovative tariffs? We show where the opportunities lie here.


“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” - and transformation for lunch

Peter Drucker's famous quote reminds us that no matter how detailed and solid a strategy is, when it comes down to it, the teams implementing the plan are the ones that make all the difference.


Winter Preparedness - Is it time for a Debt Health Check?

Given the £bn increases in unsecured debt and Direct Debit failures over the past year, suppliers have an opportunity to re-assess how they're set up to deliver customer outcomes. Leveraging this understanding is key to take control in such a challenging macro environment - see how improvements can be brought to life in this blog.


Watch: Why bad debt is an emerging concern

Falling energy prices are welcome news, but there's an emerging concern for suppliers, surrounding their approach to forecasting bad debt as market conditions change. In this video, Rachel Littlewood shares lessons from the front line to help you recognise potential cashflow challenges.

Energy Market Strategy and Commercial

Consumer inflation was greater, later and longer-lasting than figures suggest

Official inflation figures aren’t fully reflective of how energy bills impact some consumers based on when they use energy, and how they pay – we’ve crunched the numbers. By adjusting the CPI to account for real changes during the energy crisis, we show when the real peak was likely to be, why this varies by payment method, and how this lines up with recent debt trends.

Financial Services

Vulnerability: Call to design for outcomes, not products

With the FCA's vulnerability review underway, firms should be assessing their ability to evidence the delivery of good customer outcomes. And product design is one area we feel this is often overlooked. The FCA have clearly stated proactivity is crucial, and we've already seen the successes of firms who've prioritised vulnerability in the early stages of design.

Financial Services

Closed Products – Firms must be ready for increased scrutiny

It's just over three months until the FCA's Closed Products deadline passes - Consumer Duty's final milestone. Firms should expect pressure to ramp up on evidencing compliance, across all areas of the Duty. It's critical to know which levers to pull in the build-up to reduce risk, which you'll find in this blog. 

Financial Services

FCA's Financial Lives report reiterates need for proactivity

We've seen cautious optimism surrounding the FCA's latest Financial Lives report. But there's a lot to be said about how customers are perceiving the outcomes of financial support - particularly with the FCA circling on how firms are treating vulnerable segments.

Man riding upwards on a steep hill on a mountain bike.
Energy Market Complaints

Complaints are an increasing burden for non-domestic suppliers

Energy suppliers will need to offer enhanced complaints services to more than 200,000 small businesses under new Ofgem rules, BFY estimates. The Complaints Handling Standards (CHS) are expanding from December 2024 to cover both micro and small businesses, and as volume increases, some will need to adapt more than others, to build the required maturity for higher demand.

Energy Market Strategy and Commercial

Choosing a tariff is complex – How can suppliers provide clarity?

As wholesale energy prices begin to fall, we’re starting to see murmurs of activity in what’s been a very low-activity switching market. And the pace looks set to increase following Ofgem’s April price cap, alongside the cessation of the market stabilisation charge – which previously discouraged suppliers from offering switching incentives.

Broken umbrella blown over onto the sand on a beach.

Direct debit failures have reached an all-time high

Following on from last week’s look at the latest Ofgem debt figures, I wanted to dive deeper into the worrying number of £2.3bn of unsecured debt, up from £1.3bn a year ago.

Energy Market

Non-domestic Review: How should you prepare for change?

Non-domestic energy customers will be entitled to better customer service, more support resolving disputes, and greater transparency in a raft of new measures announced by Ofgem. And be aware – it wants action fast.

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Kelly Payne, Director at BFY Group. Jonathan Paton, Senior Manager at BFY Group. Jon Vincent, Senior Manager at BFY Group.

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